Course curriculum

  • 1


    • What to Expect in 90 Days to Thrive! (9:21)

    • 90 Days to Thrive Session Topics - 1 Admin

    • Prework BEFORE the First Session

  • 2

    Session 1 - Team

    • Session Intended Results

    • Agent Intake Form

    • Admin Intake Form

    • Prioritization (2:24)

    • Team Communication Systems (3:46)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 3

    Session 2 - Admin

    • Session Intended Results

    • Time Management (3:42)

    • Zones of Genius (3:00)

    • Communication, Clarity & Transparency (5:06)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 4

    Session 3 - Agent

    • Session Intended Results

    • Agent Bonus Module (23:25)

    • Delegation (2:54)

    • Transparency (8:04)

    • Measure Progress (5:17)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 5

    Session 4 - Admin

    • Session Intended Results

    • Problem-Solving (4:32)

    • Workflow (5:26)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 6

    Session 5 - Team

    • Session Intended Results

    • 30-Day Plan Update (3:50)

    • Meetings (5:14)

    • Fierce Conversations (5:17)

    • Workflow (8:48)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 7

    Session 6 - Admin

    • Session Intended Results

    • Mindset (9:23)

    • Take Ownership (9:02)

    • Client Service (8:13)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 8

    Session 7 - Agent

    • Session Intended Results

    • Fierce - Delegation Tree

    • Fierce Conversations (3:32)

    • Leadership (5:19)

    • Accountability (7:24)

    • Feedback (8:55)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 9

    Session 8 - Admin

    • Session Intended Results

    • Predictability (4:54)

    • Email Management (4:37)

    • Auditing Systems (5:15)

    • Learning Curve (8:35)

    • Customer Service (5:15)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 10

    Session 9 - Team

    • Session Intended Results

    • Sample Team Meeting Agenda

    • 60-Day Plan Update (6:16)

    • Team Communication Systems (5:55)

    • Decision-Making (7:44)

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 11

    Session 10 - Admin

    • Session Intended Results

    • Performance Review Team Self Evaluation Worksheet

    • Self-Evaluation (7:29)

    • Feedback Form

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 12

    Session 11 - Agent

    • Session Intended Results

    • Performance Review Supervisor

    • Preparing for a Performance RevIew (7:47)

    • Feedback Form

    • Prework BEFORE Next Session

  • 13

    Session 12 - Team

    • Session Intended Results

    • 90-Day Plan Update (4:39)

    • Performance Review (12:21)

  • 14

    30/60/90 Training Menu

    • 30-60-90 Day Training Menu - Admin

    • 30-60-90 Day Training Menu - DOO

    • 30-60-90 Day Training Menu - Sales Manager

  • 15

    Intention Tracker

    • Intention Tracker - Fillable Version

    • Intention Tracker - Print Version

  • 16

    Course Resources

    • 3 Phases of a New Assistant

    • 90 Days To Thrive - Recommended Reading

    • Business Circle Diagram

    • Busy Agent Playbook

    • David Breckheimer's Whiteboard

    • DISC Assessment

    • DISC Profile Cheat Sheet

    • Fierce - Beach Ball Form

    • Fierce - Confrontation Model

    • Fierce - Delegation Tree

    • Intention Tracker Role Play (9:14)

    • Monthly & Daily Activity Report Template

    • New Listing Intake Form

    • Process Evaluation Checklist

    • Sample Team Meeting Agenda

    • Schedule for Agents First 90 days with New Hire

    • Schedule for New Assistants in First 90 Days Template

    • Skill-Building Method

    • Virtual Whiteboard Template